Kai Nicole
Kai Nicole holds degrees from Harvard University and Howard University School of Law.
She has worked in law, entertainment, technology (Silicon Valley), and has done business development consulting for multiple entrepreneurs.
A native Washingtonian, she has also lived in Boston and Atlanta. Kai is currently residing with her family in the suburbs of San Francisco.
Marina Raydun: Your background is in law. What made you want to write a dating guide?
Kai Nicole: I actually talk about this in my book, Date Like A Woman. But, it was a conversation on Twitter about dating that sparked the decision to write the book. My initiative, the accelerant, was the prolific number of male "dating gurus" online, and frankly everywhere, but so few women in the dating/relationship space, that I thought it was necessary to speak up in a bold way. A book seemed the best way to at least begin a factual discussion.
MR: Writing a book like Date Like a Woman is quite an undertaking. What kind of research did this project entail?
KN: Well, I went on a LOT of dates. I also did quite a bit of reading, e.g. newspaper articles, magazine articles, academic studies, and I did my own research, of course, by talking to a number of women about their dating experiences.
MR: How did publishing your first book change your writing process?
KN: I no longer have the time required to focus on my writing the way I used to. Between blogging and my other business ventures, my time to focus on researching and writing my next book is very limited. I am learning to adjust though!
MR: Is there one topic you would never write about as an author? Why?
KN: There are probably several; I don’t like to write about things that I am not knowledgeable about or have not experienced.
MR: What is the first experience you had when you learned that language had power?
KN: I am not sure about my first experience, however, I will say that my first trip to France was the place where I understood how important being able to use a language was. At the time I spoke very limited French but being on my own for several months forced me to have to communicate in everyday ways, renting an apartment, going to the post office, the laundromat, cashing a check, everyday living. That experience made me really appreciate the power of language and communication.
MR: What is your favorite genre to read?
KN: It used to be science fiction but now I find myself drawn to history and biography.
MR: What are you currently reading?
KN: I am currently reading Becoming Michelle Obama.
MR: Is there a book that changed your life?
KN: Yes, my own! The experience of writing and publishing my book has changed my life significantly. It’s an interesting experience when people read your own words and ask you about them.
MR: If you could have drinks with any person, living or dead, who would it be? Why?
KN: Michelle Obama. I admire her so much. I feel she is a person who, if you had the opportunity to sit down and talk to her, would give you all sorts of wonderful life advice.
MR: What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
KN: Whether I should be making more videos for my Date Like A Woman fans! Seriously, I get a great response from my videos and for some reason when I am in the car is when I think about it the most.
To learn more about Kai Nicole, please visit http://www.datelikeawoman.com/