Laura Moncrief
Laura Lee Moncrief is a native Nebraskan who has lived in Virginia, Colorado, Montana, and Georgia. A stay-at-home mother for 18 years, at age 43, Laura went back to college to finish her education. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Consumer Science and Finance, graduating with high distinction from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1991. Upon graduating, Laura was self-employed as an American Express Financial Advisor for seven years and then investigated security clearances for the federal government for the next three years. Laura also taught senior finance classes at her alma mater for two years before retiring. Today, Laura volunteers her time at her church, plays pickleball three times a week, and, of course, continues to travel all over the world. She is the published author of six genealogy books and two about the early pioneers of Divide and Woodland Park, Colorado. Laura, mother of three daughters, grandmother of seven and great-grandmother of two, resides in Arizona … at least for now.
Marina Raydun: Decluttering is one of my life’s goals. I love the concept of doing the same with luggage. What inspired you to write a book on the subject?
Laura Moncrief: I am always cleaning out non-essentials in my home and life. My daughter actually inspired me to write this book just before I was leaving on a trip to Eastern Europe. I typed up the basic book in 2 days before I left on the trip.
MR: You have traveled to over 70 countries! I’m not even going to hide it—I am jealous! Have you been able to pick up any fun reads along the way?
LM: I love history! So my primary focus while traveling is to feel the history and learn about it. Therefore, I try to take trips where I want to understand more about the people and the region. I surround myself with locals that can express this to me better than any book (which may be biased).
MR: Besides reading, how do you pass the time while up in the air?
LM: I have a problem with trying to sleep on planes. It is my least favorite part of the trip so if anyone has suggestions, help!
MR: What is your favorite genre to read?
LM: I read everything my daughter writes from Biblical fiction to thrillers. I like historical fiction best.
MR: You went back to college to finish your degree in your 40s. Your drive is enviable. What was your favorite subject in school as an adult?
LM: History was definitely my favorite. Although I knew I would not be able to financially take care of my self and daughter with a degree in history, so I chose finance.
MR: You are pretty passionate about genealogy! Just the idea of all that research makes me giddy. Have you ever considered writing a novel based on some of your findings?
LM: I have spent (misspent?) 40 years researching my family histories as well as for other folks. Part of that was travel to the various places (Scotland, England, Germany, Czech, and cemeteries and courthouses in dozens of states). It was a good reason to go to some out-of-the-way town in some backwater part of a state. Yes, I have lots of stories about these research trips and my daughter mentioned I might do a book about these. So stay tuned….
MR: If you could have drinks with any person, living or dead, who would it be? Why?
LM: I don’t usually drink alcohol but I do like my soda. I have never thought of that so will have to do some thinking on your question.
MR: What are you currently reading?
LM: I am currently reading up to update myself on financial things as I am going to write a small book for women about how to obtain financial independence.
MR: What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
LM: I am always thinking about what I am researching or writing. I keep paper and pen handy and make notes at stop signs.
You can find Laura’s book here: